



Commercializing SPI Gels, continued SPI field treatments in CO2 flood and waterflood wells - Injectors and Producers - in West Texas, mid-continent, and along the Gulf Coast. We will extend capabilities into drilling and plugging wells in late 2015.


US Department of Energy, “Deep Borehole Storage of Nuclear Waste using MMW Technology”, FOA01046 Topic proposal into STTR Fast Track contract DE-SC00012308, with Dr. Woskov and Dr. Einstein both at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and (co-joined only) Anthony Baros at the US Department of Defense-Air Force Research Laboratory (DOD AFRL). Large scale bench testing of the MMW technology at 100 kilowatts of power and at 95 Gigahertz frequency for drilling, lining and sealing wellbores. Ongoing from July 2014 to December 2016.


US Department of Energy, “Prevention, Repair and Mitigation of CO2 Storage Leaks Using SPI Gels”, SBIR Phase I contract DE-SC0011991, with Clean Tech Innovations LLC. Development of new internal initiators and mixing methodology for SPI gels with long delay triggers. Phase II (if selected) will be final initiator optimization lab work and field testing. Ongoing from June 2014 to June 2016.


US Department of Energy, “SPI Conformance Gel Applications in Geothermal Zonal Isolation”, DE-EE0005508 Phase I and Phase II, project lead by Lyle Burns of Clean Tech Innovations LLC with Impact and Dr. Felber as a contributors. This project extends SPI gels for high temperatures for geothermal conformance and for sealing lost circulation zones during drilling.




US Department of Energy, “Deep Geothermal Drilling Using Millimeter Wave Technology”, DE-EE0005504, Successfully bench tested the millimeter wave technology for drilling and lining wellbores using a low 10 kilowatt power gyrotron at a non-optimal 28 GigaHertz frequency. Also developed surface and downhole tool concepts for furthering the use of MMW technology in the field. Completed September 2014.


US Department of Energy, “Improved Mobility Control for Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Enhanced Oil Recovery Using Silica Polymer Initiator (SPI) Gels “, with Clean Tech Innovations and Redcorn, DE-EE0005958. Developed new initiator technologies and performed SPI treatments in two CO2 flood fields (central Mississippi sandstone, west Texas dolomite). In just 4 treated wells these gels recovered some part of $3MM in incremental crude oil where prior cross-linked PAM gel system did not respond at all. These SPI treatments were less than 5000 bbls per well. Completed January 2014, with extended reporting to November 2014.


US Department of Energy-Geothermal Technologies Program, “Microhole Arrays Drilled with Advanced Abrasive Slurry Jet Technology To Efficiently Exploit Enhanced Geothermal Systems”, DE-EE0002783, with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Missouri University of Science and Technology. Further developed the current FLASH ASJTM drilling system for extreme conditions of EGS, i.e. 30,000 foot depths and 572°F temperature Downhole requirements too complicated to ensure success at such 30,000 ft depths. Cutting efficiency of the FLASH ASJTM system was optimized and very demonstrated to be very high even at high temperatures, but wellbore diameter control was found imperative for success. Regrouping development effort toward combining FLASH ASJTM with mechanical rotational bit drilling (patented Inverted Motors) for exceptional penetration rates in hard rocks. Will also start refocus at shallower applications. Completed June 2013.


US Department of Energy, “Baseline System Costs for a 50 MW Enhanced Geothermal System”, contract DE-EE0002742 / 002, with Gas Equipment and Engineering Company (GEECO) where Impact was a contributor. Completed January 2012.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Novel Wind Turbine Power For Oilfield Pumping Units”, contract 3988-IT-USDOE-2098 with SKYRON Wind. Designed and fabricated a new vertical axis wind turbine hydraulic/pneumatic energy storage device for powering remote oil & gas wells and other operations. Completed May 2011.


US Department of Energy SBIR Phase I and Phase II, “Novel Low Cost Method to Install Geophones for CO2 Monitoring”, contract #DE-FG02-07ER84670, with Dr. Ernie Majer-University of California-Berkley, Dr. Summers-Missouri University of Science and Technology, and Dr. Dwight Rychel. Further developed the FLASH ASJTM drilling system using patented HPSP, IMe/ IMh motors, swivels, nozzles and (potentially) MWD, LWD capabilities directed at installing seismic geophones in microholes. Was not able to field test the developed technology due to funding. Completed April 2011.


US Department of Energy-Microhole Technology Initiative, “Advanced Mud System for Microhole Coiled Tubing Drilling”, contract DE-FC26-04NT15476, with the University of Missouri at Rolla. Further developed a compact mud processing system (including a patent pending Gas-Liquid-Solid separator and proprietary Dry Filter), a UMR non-rotating nozzle (and fluids), and two High Pressure Abrasive Slurry Plunger Pumps (HPSPs). Completed.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Advanced ASJ Drilling System”, contract 3181-IT-USDOE-2098, with OCAST #065 below. Prototyped one version of the High Pressure Slurry Pump (HPSPP), Inverted Motor (IM)-hydraulic motor version, new directional method and direction control system for the abrasive drilling system. Completed 2008.


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), “High Pressure Slurry Pump”, with Impact Slurry Technologies LLC, project #AR082-065. Developed pumps for high pressure slurry drilling and cutting applications. Completed 2008.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Novel Low Rate Electric Plunger Pump System”, contract 3450-IT-USDOE-2098 with Dr. Fahimi-University of Texas-Arlington and Shell. Concurrent with OCAST #049 below. Designed an new version of an electrical driven positive displacement pump for dewatering deep gas wells. Found that tolerances for the gap between the electric motor’s rotor and stator were too tight for success. Newer piezoelectric downhole pumps appeared to have higher potential for success. Completed 2008.


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology (OCAST), “Deep Well Dewatering Pump”, contract OARS AR08(1)-049 with UT-Arlington and Shell. Designed a downhole electric driven positive displacement pump for dewatering deep gas wells and other low rate wells with the above SWC project. Completed 2008.


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology, “Novel Gas-Liquid-Solid Separator in Drilling/Production”, project #AR06(1)-048, with the University of Tulsa. Developed a patented front-end /pre-processing gas-liquid-solid (GLS) separator / concentrator for gas, liquids and solids in production and drilling operations. Completed 2008.


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology, “Novel Inverted Electric Motor for Drilling”, OARS contract #6806-AR06(2)-051, with Dr Fahimi at University of Texas-Arlington. Prototyped patented IM-electric low speed (0-2000 rpm) high efficiency, stacked electric inverted motor for drilling and other applications. Determined that tolerances between stator and rotor were too tight for rugged downhole drilling conditions. Must redesign power train for incremental stages to allow for bending of unit. Completed July 2008.


US Department of Energy – “Advanced Ultra-High Speed Motor for Drilling”, contract DE-FC26-04NT15502, with the University of Texas at Arlington. Designed a 3” and 1.69” ultra-high speed (10,000 rpm) version of the patented inverted electric motor (IMe) for drilling. Designed and built a bench prototype of the motor. Determined that tolerances between stator and rotor were too tight at those extremely high rpms for rugged downhole drilling conditions. Completed 2007.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Novel SPI Water Mitigation Treatment”, contract 3180-IT-USDOE-2098. Further development of the new patent-pending SPI gel technology for water mitigation in oil and gas wells, casing repairs, drilling control problems, construction, and materials preparation. Completed 2007.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Extended Application of a Low Cost Water Mitigation Treatment”, subcontract 3022-IT-DOE-2098, with JAG Enhanced Recovery LLC and RTA Laboratory. With the OCAST #077 project below. Developed the new patent-pending SPI gel system for water production mitigation. Completed 2006.


Oklahoma Center for the Advancement of Science and Technology – “Novel Silicate Gels for Casing Repair”, project #AR06(2)-077, with RTA Systems Inc. and JAG Enhanced Recovery LLC. Developing and commercializing SPI Gel technology for oil and gas casing, utility conduit repair, construction grouting and materials preparation. Completed 2006.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University), “Design, Construction and Evaluation of an Accurate Low Cost Portable Production Tester”, contract DEFC26-04NT42098 and “Construction, Evaluation and Testing of a Portable, Low Cost, Multiphase Tester” 2775-ORI-DOE-2098, with Oak Resources, Inc. and Production Technology Inc. Developed and field tested new test metering equipment for high water cut production wells and drilling processes. This has turned into the Gas-Liquid-Solids (GLS) technology for applications for production and drilling operations. Completed 2005 and 2006.


Stripper Well Consortium (via US Department of Energy and Penn State University) for RTA Systems, Inc with Impact as co-PI, “Novel Paraffin Inhibitor ”, through RTA Systems Inc. Developing a new system of paraffin inhibitors for oil wells. Completed.











Impact Technologies LLC | P.O. Box 35505 Tulsa, Oklahoma  74153 | (918) 629-6993 | (918) 627-8013 (Fax)